Off-Board an Employee

Follow these steps to off-board an employee.

If the Core HR module is licensed, Core HR Administrators do not have access to the Off-board fields on the Users screen. Instead, off-board employees on the Termination Information section on the Employment Details tab of an employee's Total Talent Profile.

Note: Before you off-board a manager, you need to reassign his or her direct reports to a different manager.

To off-board an employee:

  1. On the Users screen, locate the name of the employee, and click in the Actions column.
  2. Step 1: User Separation.

    Complete the following fields.

    Last Working Day

    This is the date the employee last reported for work. It is used in tandem with the Separation Date field. However, the Separation Date field must contain a date that falls on or after the value entered in the Last Working Day field.

    Separation Date

    Separation Date: This is the date that the system will terminate the employee. If you set this to a future date, then the system will execute the action in the early morning hours. If you set the termination date as today’s date, then access is immediately terminated.

    If the employee is associated with any appraisals, the administrator will need to access Appraisal Administration and either cancel or close the appraisals.

    This field is used in tandem with the Last Working Day field. However, the Separation Date field must contain a date that falls on or after the value entered in the Last Working Day field.

    Separation Type

    If you select Voluntary Separation, the Reason(s) for Leaving field displays. If you select Involuntary Termination, the Reasons(s) for Termination field displays.

    Reason(s) for Leaving

    This is a list of reasons why the employee is leaving. You can configure this list via the Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists feature; however, a set of standard reasons is provided.

    Reason(s) for Termination

    This is a list of reasons why the employee is being terminated. You can configurable this list via the Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists feature; however, a set of standard reasons is provided.

    Eligible for Re-hire

    This indicates whether the individual is eligible for rehire if they apply for a job in the future. The default selections are Yes, No, and Conditional, but you can configure this list via the Drop-down and Multi-Select Lists feature. Different actions will happen based on the option selected.

    • If you select Yes, the E-mail Address to be used as New Login field is marked as required. If the individual applies in the future using the login provided, the system will mark them with a green flag to indicate that the person is eligible for re-hire. This icon will be hyperlinked to view details about the rehire eligibility status.
    • If you select No, the Comments box is marked as required. If the individual applies in the future using the login provided, the system will mark them with a red circle to indicate that the person is not eligible for re-hire. This icon will be hyperlinked to view details about the rehire eligibility status.
    • If you select Conditional, the Comments box is marked as required. If the individual applies in the future using the login provided, the system will mark him/her with a yellow warning to indicate that the person is eligible for re-hire but on a conditional basis. This icon will be hyperlinked to view details about the rehire eligibility status.
    E-mail Address to be used as New Login

    If it exists, the system pre-populates this field with the original email address stored for the user. If it doesn’t exist, then the field displays the user’s current company login. This field should be overwritten to contain the user’s personal email address.

    The individual's username to access the external career center will be changed to this email address.


    Use this text box to record any additional information needed as to why this user separation is taking place.

    Send Notification of Career Center Login

    If you select this option, then the system will email the individual with his/her new username to be used when applying in the future.

  3. Click Next.
  4. Step 2: Review.

    This step allows you to review the information entered in Step 1. If you need to edit any of the fields, click Previous. If the information in the fields is accurate, click Finish.

Upon the execution of this action (or the separation date entered is reached), the system automatically changes the individual’s username from the company email address to the alternate email address entered in the form and converts the user to an External type.


When the individuals apply through your career center using the login provided, the system will mark them with to indicate that they are former employees.